Friday, February 26, 2010

Ask Lola: Why do dogs eat grass?

Dear Lola: My dog Caesar is always nibbling on grass and my precious flowers. Why do dogs eat grass?


Dear CAESAR SALAD: This is a great question that inquiring dog owners want to know and one of the most perplexing. Let me first dispel the urban legend that your dog is merely mowing the lawn & weeding the garden. Being a dog myself I have been know to nibble here and there on a nice green patch of crisp grass or stalk. Sometimes I get the munchies and can’t help but to crave a fresh garden salad. Hold the pesticides please! For many dog owners their freshly manicured lawns can become the grazing chomping grounds or all you can eat gigantic salad bar for Fido. Not only do you have to deal with your dog’s grass addictive eating habit (one of life’s unsolved mysteries) but also now you have bald spots throughout your lawn. But before we can salvage what’s left of your lawn and flowerbed, we first need to answer the age-old dog question....Why?

Here are reasons why dogs may eat grass:

1. Tummy Tamer: You know your dog is having an upset stomach when he starts munching on grass. No he’s not weeding your garden or mowing the lawn. But one must admit doing some of the chores would be a great way for Spot to show his appreciation. Perhaps your dog’s appetite is lacking and his big sad eyes are bigger then his tummy and he's whining for a belly rub. Most dogs are hearty eaters, and an untouched food bowl is unusual, to say the least. Many dogs seek out grass when their stomach feels unsettled, upset or overly full. Dogs have very sensitive nerve-endings in their stomach; therefore experts believe that the long thin strips of green grass stimulate the stomach in a way that triggers vomiting. Vomiting is especially important if your dog has eaten something toxic or anything that does not agree with him. Take it from me dogs can eat the weirdest and most disgusting things, from road kill to garbage. If your dog is vomiting and eating grass excessively consult your family vet.

2. A Need for Fiber: Like humans, animals instinctively seek out foods, nutrients and other substances that their body is lacking. While dogs can’t grab a bowl of Oat Bran, glass of wheat grass or drink a cup of Benefiber for their daily intake, they will reach for a sprig or mouthful of grass. Like humans dogs are omnivores and need a well-balanced diet, greens and all. Some vets believe that dogs that do not have sufficient fiber content in their regular diet are more likely to seek out grass as a substitute. So, why substitute when can have the real thing! You can help by adding more fiber in their diet by giving them fresh vegetables like carrots, broccoli, celery and lettuce in their daily kibble. Not only does this make the meal more enticing, they provide a wonderful source of nutrients.

3. Some Dogs Just Like Greens: Keep in mind that eating grass is not always sign that your dog is sick, but perhaps it just taste good. You will never have to say to your dog “Spot, eat your greens”. Dogs love roughage in their diet.

Now on to saving your lawn…If your dog eats grass often and you want to discourage this behavior, mow your lawn frequently, and keep the edges of your lawn well trimmed. Most dogs are drawn to tall clumps of grass, so shorter lawns may keep them from eating grass. It is important to only allow your dog to chew on grass that has not been treated with toxic lawn chemicals, which can cause health problems or possible death. So make sure that when you are tending to your lawn you use all natural, pesticide and chemical free alternatives fit for dog grazing.

Note: If your dog's normal behavior does change in any way and you notice any vomiting that is not associated with eating grass or there is excessive vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea or you notice that your dog has become severely lethargic contact your vet as soon as possible. Also, if your dog does eat grass in excessive amounts everyday then this should be brought to your vet's attention as this can be a sign of gastrointestinal problems.

But otherwise, eating grass is a natural canine habit and a normal part of being a dog. Hey, just consider it a way your dog is showing his or her appreciation by doing some chores around the house.

Barkingly yours,

Lola the eco dog

Shop for eco-friendly, all natural, organic goodies for your furry family member. Celebrate a beautiful smile with us in honor of February National Pet Dental Health Month. We offer a great selection of pet dental care products. We carry a great selection of Odor Free Bully Sticks / Dog Treats / and Dog Toys !

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

ASK LOLA: How to Care for your Dogs Cracked Paws

Dear LOLA: Ice, sleet and snow can do a lot of damaged, on my dogs paws that is. How can I protect her paws against the harsh weather?

Sincerely, SALTY PAWS

Dear SALTY PAWS: Whether it’s the salt covered streets of the frozen north or the arid tarmac of the southwest, dry cracked noses and paws are a fact of life for dogs around the country. Unlike humans, who fill their closets with tennis shoes, high heels, and other forms of sole protection, dogs prefer going barefoot. In hot weather and cold, on hard ground and soft, their paws can take a pounding. Paw pad injuries from cuts, scrapes to cracks is a number one concern for many pet owners. Here are some ways you can protect your dogs from ice, bitter & dry wind chills, and salty side walks, cold pavements and heal existing paw injuries.

1. Paw Wipe Down-
If you are taking your dog for a brisk winter walk beware of salt on the sidewalk which can dry out your dogs delicate paws. Salt and your dogs paw licking frenzy can really cause her paws to get dry. So it is very important to give paws a good wash and wipe down with a damp cloth after your walk. Better yet a warm foot bath always soothes my achy paws. While you are pampering her paws be sure to inspect each paw pad carefully to make sure her feet & toes are free of tears and cuts from shards of ice & salt.

2. Moisturize Regularly , the All Natural Way- Exposure to harsh climates can cause drying, cracking and achy paws. This is my all time favorite tip a paw massage. After wiping down your dogs paws it important to re-moisturize with a soothing paw balm that is not only all natural or organic but also has healing properties. Keep in mind that when purchasing a balm choose one made with all natural or organic ingredients free of chemicals and toxins that if licked won't harm Fido. If you like you can even apply the balm prior to your walk for added protection and to minimize paw wear & tear.

3. Paw First Aid- If your dog has minor injuries it is important to prevent infection and more damaged by properly cleaning the area. Wash paws very carefully with anti-bacterial soap, disinfect with betadine and apply antibiotic ointment . If the injury is severe or you want to keep your dog from licking at the area wrap it with gauze.

As always if the injury is severe and does not get better always consult your vet.

4. Wear footwear- Another added layer of protection is to invest in some dog booties. Not only do they keep your dogs paws warm but shields them from the dry cold weather, ice, snow, rough terrain, heat and other dangers. If your dog is recovering from paw injuries booties can aid in the healing process.

So all you snow dogs enjoy your time in the snow because everyone loves a good snow cone. Better yet go wild make snow angels like the dog in the clip below. Whatever, you eco pups do have FUN!!!

Barkingly yours,
Lola the eco dog

Shop for eco-friendly, all natural, organic goodies for your furry family member. Celebrate a beautiful smile with us in honor of February National Pet Dental Health Month. We offer a great selection of pet dental care products. We carry a great selection of Odor Free Bully Sticks / Dog Treats / and Dog Toys !

Friday, February 19, 2010

ASK LOLA: Is Anesthesia Neccessary for a Proper Vet Dental Cleaning?

Dear Lola: I'm a miniature dachshund with some really bad breath, plaque and tartar build up. At my recent vet visit my mom & I were told that I would need to be put under anesthesia to have my teeth professionally cleaned. So, of course being the apple of my moms eye and her little princess the thought of anesthesia has caused much worry. Is anesthesia really necessary? What else can my mom do at home to whip my teeth into shape?


Dear SLEEPING BEAUTY: We all know that our teeth are very important part of our smile. But the key to a beautiful healthy smile is proper cleaning. Like humans, dog & cat teeth deserve the same attention on a daily basis. Although routine daily teeth brushing every day is ideal, saying "Aah" at least 2-3 times a week is sufficient.

Persistent brushing will surely help get some of the plaque & tartar off, but in your case can only do so much. It's never a walk in the dog park when getting your annual vet check up, only to hear that you need to go under the dental drill for a proper tooth cleaning. However, sometimes the best things for us are the hardest to do. But there is something to smile about, good dental hygiene has been proven to add dogs years to your life.

Constant bad breath, toothaches or oral issues can signal that a pet dental cleaning is in order. Often times when plaque & tarter buildup becomes quite a chore for even that most trusted toothbrush. Dental reinforcements must be called in to chisel, scrap, polish and do battle on our behalf . But here's something that will put a big grin on your face. Once you get those teeth professionally cleaned you can finally breath a sigh of relief and take over from here. You and your mom will immediately see a difference in your smile and your health will improve. Not to mention it will be much easier to maintain that beautiful healthy & happy smile your vet worked so hard to give you.

Professional Pet Dental Cleaning 101:

However, as a concerned dog parent the thought of anesthesia can be scary & worrisome there are benefits. Although your mom may not be to keen on the idea of putting you under. Major pet dental work usually requires general anesthesia as a safety precaution. Since a typical pet dental checkup includes full oral exam (i.e. checking for oral growths or ulcers), treatment/removal of diseased teeth, removal of plaque and tartar, and finally polishing the teeth. Sadly, "spit," "rinse", and "open wide" are not commands that the canine world can understand. Not even the Dog Whisperer can help you with this one. Anesthesia has a way of making this otherwise stressful situation less painful & uncomfortable for all parties involved.

The dentist will be using tools that create sounds reminiscent of a construction zone or workshop. These unknown sounds can be scary, terrifying and can spook you into sudden movements which can do serious harm. So for both you, your moms, and vets peace of mind anesthesia is an important safety precaution. Because even the most well behaved & obedient dog may not be cooperative in the dental chair. The noise and possible discomfort involved with a full dental cleaning will require sedation.

Don't let the noise and thought of possible pain scare you, there is a silver lining. The great news is that dental cleanings are routine procedures done on a daily basis. While the dental procedure is not as invasive as a spay & neuter surgery (a private matter which does not require elaboration at this time), the risk of complications from the anesthesia remain quite the same. It is comforting to know that the risks of anesthesia complications occur only in 1 every 100,000 animals, which means the odds are clearly in your favor. Just remember you are in the hands of a qualified vet so there is nothing to fear. Recently, I had to be put under because of a foot injury and still here to tell the "tail" . As you can see by my long winded blog post I am okay and back to my old sniffing ways again. Hey, if you are a lucky brave pup like me perhaps your mom will make you a tray of pup-sicles.

Prior to the procedure your vet will do extensive test to make sure the anesthesia & dental procedure is safe for you. To ensure you are low risk for complications basic blood tests, kidney & liver evaluation, heart exam, and urinalysis to check for kidney disease or issues will most likely be performed. Just like your moms doctor, your vet wants to give you as thorough an evaluation as possible to determine the correct diagnosis and proper treatment for your teeth and over-all health. Extra precaution is taken for senior dogs undergoing procedures requiring the use of anesthesia, ask your vet for more information.

If you do pass the health exam and lab testing with flying colors, the nice vet will schedule an appointment for cleaning and dental work to tackle that tartar. While you are under anesthesia the vet will do a general examination, x-rays, decayed tooth extractions if needed, tartar removal & polishing. In terms of time frame, it all depends on how healthy your teeth are and the amount of plaque or tarter buildup. Some vet dental cleaning are brief while other extensive cleanings require a lot more TLC and time. The time frame of the procedure can only be determined once the vet begins the full oral examination. The vet will notify her immediately if any problems arise during the procedure. As an added safe guard some vets may advise a pet to stay overnight so they can monitor any possible issues that may arise from the anesthesia. Please bark the word to mom that the vet will keep her informed every step of the way during the entire process from start to finish.

After the procedure your mom will be given any necessary special instruction and a vet dental care program. For examples, pups who undergo tooth extraction will be on stricter diet of softer foods for a short period of time or may need to take an antibiotic to prevent infection. If any additional care or follow-up exam is needed that vet will let you know.

Tips on How to Maintain Your One of a Kind Beautiful Grin

Once the dental cleaning is done you can breath a sigh of relief and get back to your dog duties of eating, snoozing & playing. But keep in mind the key to maintaining that healthy smile is lies in the hands of the one doing the brushing, your parent. But you can do your part by sitting still & cooperating for your daily teeth brushing. Besides...did I say treats are in order for good doggy behavior.

Here are some tips to keep bad breath, tartar and plaque buildup at bay. By following these simple dental habits the hope is that you won't have to see the sights of the dental drill for a long time or those costly vet bills.

1. Regular teeth brushing 2-3 times a week. Get into the habit of regularly brushing your dog's teeth while they're still in good condition. It is always good to start brushing at puppy age, but it better late then never.

2. Crunchy Treats & Chews. Chomping on hard, crunchy kibble and organic treats will help remove some of the plaque.

3. At home dental exams. Have your mom examine your teeth on a regular basis for signs of tooth problems or dental disease. Some of the warning signs may include, tooth pains, redness, swelling, abnormal gumline, difficulty chewing. This should be done each time you are groomed.

4. Schedule Annual Vet & Dental checkups! Mark your calender, make sure you get your annual vet & dental checkups and cleanings. Once a year for young lads, and bi-annually for senior dogs.

5. Get Proper dental tools! Purchase pet toothbrush & toothpaste. No human toothpaste allowed!!

6. See a Qualified Vet. Of course, make sure your teeth are in good hands of a qualified veterinarian since you only have one smile. Annual checkups will help rule out if a dental cleaning is necessary.

So, have no fear it sounds like you are in good hands. Although your stomach is probably churning at the thought of going to the dentist & your mom is worried sick. Reality is that the key to good health truly begins with a proper dental cleaning. The next time you email me you will be boasting about your beautiful new smile & new leash on life. Keep me posted and don't forget to flash that bright smile.

Barkingly yours,
Lola the eco dog

Shop for eco-friendly, all natural, organic goodies for your furry family member. Celebrate a beautiful smile with us in honor of February National Pet Dental Health Month. We offer a great selection of pet dental care products. We carry a great selection of Odor Free Bully Sticks / Dog Treats / and Dog Toys !

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Simple Minty Dog Breath Freshener Recipe to Keep Bad Breath at Bay

Giving and receiving hugs & kisses from your dog is one of the perks of being a pet owner. But doggy bad breath can sure get in the way of the bonding experience. Is your dog's bad breath worst then his bite? If so then you have probably been tempted to pop a handful of Altoids in your pets mouth just to clear the air. But before you start doling out doggie breath mints make sure Fido isn't suffering from a more serious health problem.

Whether your pet suffers from doggy or tuna bad breath this is no laughing matter. It could be the warning signs of something more sinister lurking. Tartar, gum disease, loose and diseased teeth, infected oral tumors, and systemic diseases, such as kidney problems or diabetes may be the issue. But only a proper dental vet checkup can rule out any potential underlining causes. Annual dental checkups from a certified vet and daily teeth brushing is the key to prevention.

But, truth be told all pets get stinky ferocious breath once in while. We have coined the phrase, "A mint a day keeps bad breath at bay". Specially formulated pet breath mints & gels do the trick and serves as a quick air breath freshener. Perfect for those not so pleasant moments when your dog's breath smells of roadkill & garbage leftovers. Only to leave you hearing those famous words, "Your dog ate what?" Dog breath mints and breath gels works wonder to mask the odor momentarily.

However, the true key to slaying the fiery beast is getting down to the real root of the problem. Proper dental cleaning by your vet, followed by at home care and maintenance of teeth and gum's will keep you and your pet smiling for many dog years to come.

Try this wonderful easy, quick recipe for homemade dog breath mints worth barking about. It will have your dog begging for bad breath relief and a refreshing treat.


Unsalted Crushed Crackers
Fresh mint


  1. Crush crackers. You'll need enough to stick to the mint. Don't use too many crackers or this will over-power the effect of the mint.
  2. Finely chop mint into fine pieces.
  3. Mix with crackers and add enough water to allow mint and crackers stick together and form into small 1/4 inch balls.
  4. Lay each individual ball on top of waxed paper placed on a plate.
  5. Place into freezer until frozen.
  6. Give to your dogs when needed!

Shop for eco-friendly, all natural, organic goodies for your furry family member. Celebrate a beautiful smile with us in honor of February National Pet Dental Health Month. We offer a great selection of pet dental care products. We carry a great selection of Odor Free Bully Sticks / Dog Treats / and Dog Toys !

Monday, February 15, 2010

Brushing up on Pet Dental Care : What to Consider When Choosing the Right Pet Toothpaste

Yes, one can't deny that dental hygiene is very important. Especially if you don't want to be quarantined or banished to a corner of the room for offensive bad breath. Like humans, pet's can also suffer from the negative effects of poor dental care & tooth decay. Bad breath is the result of a build-up of odor-producing bacteria in your pets mouth. That is why brushing your pets teeth is crucial in the prevention of tartar, gum disease, bad breathe, tooth lose & cavities. Including those infamous, dreaded and costly vet medical bills. Proper dental care promotes the over all health & well being of your pet for years to come.

So, what is the secret to getting that disgruntled & stubborn dog to come out of hiding, sit still and open wide. Well... the key is selecting the perfect pet toothpaste that will get your pet excited about their weekly cleanings. Yes, our paws pals are that special & dental care is that important that they have their own specially formulated toothpaste.

When selecting a pet toothpaste it's important to choose one your dog or cat actually enjoys so the whole experience doesn't become one both you and your pet dread. When choosing a pet-friendly toothpaste consider the following: safe ingredients, flavor, easy to use, digestibility & palatability. Since pet toothpaste is meant to be ingested and swallowed it is important to read the labels and know the ingredients. We would advise pet owners to choose an all natural toothpaste brand for your pet to avoid harsh ingredients & chemicals. Since dogs and cats cannot spit the toothpaste must be edible & safe.

Pet toothpaste comes in many forms paste, liquid, gel, pads, spray, rinse & sponge. Now your four-legged pal has many flavor options to choose from: mint, beef, chicken, peanut butter & even vanilla flavor. With such an assortment of flavors to choose from this will surely keep their tails wagging & lips purring. Hey its true, if you want your pet to love dental care then they have to be able to stomach it!! So, appease your pet's palates and taste buds with something flavorful & delish.

The Dental Care Golden Rule!

Besides treating your pet's mouth the way you want your pearly whites to be treated. The number one dental care rule in the canine & cat world is that it’s never safe to use human toothpaste on dogs or cats. Even we humans would agree that toothpaste is not meant to be swallowed, which is why we spit after each teeth brushing. Keep in mind that dogs are not capable of spitting and therefore must swallow the toothpaste. Toothpaste made for humans is not edible, but pet toothpaste is meant to be swallowed. With that said, using human toothpaste on your pet is always always out of the question!! Choose a safe pet toothpaste that does not cause stomachaches or severe digestive problems. Also, avoid using baking soda to brush your dogs teeth.

In the end, choosing the right toothpaste is half the battle to getting your reluctant pet to love regular teeth cleanings. So, all you scaredy cats & dogs in hiding "Come out, Come out wherever you are". Brushing your teeth is now a real treat.

Shop for eco-friendly, all natural, organic goodies for your furry family member. Celebrate a beautiful smile with us in honor of February National Pet Dental Health Month. We offer a great selection of pet dental care products. We carry a great selection of Odor Free Bully Sticks / Dog Treats / and Dog Toys !

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Our Resident Dog Lola Kiss & Tells About Pet Dental Care Tips & Prevention

No pet wants to be caught howling or meowing the bad breathe blues. If you haven’t already heard dogs are notorious for having offensive breathe, a smell so bad that will cause any dog owner to drop and play dead. The stench can stop a charging rhino in its track. Not only is your dog's breath offensive to humans, but even pups at the park are starting to turn their noses up at Fido's bad doggy breath.

Oh, that awful dog breath can put a damper on anyone’s spirit, including your dog. That not so fresh breath will have even the "Best in Show" dog grabbing for a pawful of bark-mints.

Fresh breath is a must during close encounters, especially if you are the human on the receiving end of a big sloppy kiss by your furry friend. But, hold on all my feline friends wipe that smirk off your face, you guys are not safe from the bad breath police. Even you cats can get busted for case of bad tuna breath, so bad you may lose one of your nine lives.

Are you an owner experiencing a case of "good dog" or "good cat", "bad breath"? If the answer is yes then your pet bad breath is probably keeping you from planting a big smooch on their adorable face . That unpleasant odor is leaving you wondering where their mouth has been or what died. Perhaps your dog has mistaken the left up toilet lid as an invitation to quench his thirst, even the most sophisticated dog can't resist. You would be insulted if someone said that you have "dog breath" or stinky fish breath. But then, your dog & cat might be insulted, too. Good news, now you and your furry friend can breath a sigh of relief literally.

Make no bones about it!

Just like dental care is important for humans, good pet dental hygiene is just as important. Chew on this! Studies show that good canine & feline dental care supports your dog's & cats overall health and well being. In fact, brushing your dogs teeth 2-3 times a week can add 2-3 years to their life, now that’s a lot of dog years. According to the American Veterinary Dental Society, more then 80% of dogs & 70% of cats suffer from oral disease by age 3. So, help your dog & cat ward off bad breath, gum disease, multiple infections, and heart disease by consistently brushing.

Yearly vet checkups and cleaning is the first step toward prevention. If you haven't schedule a checkup make an appointment. Because a dental checkup keeps bad breath at bay!! Have a veterinarian check your pet's teeth before you start a tooth-brushing program. Always, consult your vet for your pets specific needs.

Hopefully this post is having you pondering the question "When was the last time I brushed my pets teeth?" Like many owners, you are probably scratching your head trying to remember. No, you are not experiencing a case of amnesia, its just the opposite. Pet Dental care is often overlooked by even the most loving parent. So, as the resident dog & pet dental dog-vocate I hope this will get you pet owners thinking about the importance of dental hygiene. Just consider this would you like to walk around all day with bad breath & yellow teeth, well why should your pet have to. Sure tasty dental chews, kibbles and a hard crunchy biscuit are a good start to help with your pets teeth cleaning. But nothing compares to a good daily brushing to maintain those pearly whites.

Good dental hygiene should start at puppy or kitten age, but with a little TLC it’s never to late to get your cat or dog on a daily teeth-cleaning regimen. So start brushing! Because nothing says “I Love you” like fresh, clean breath, white teeth and a few more dog or cat years. So give the gift of a healthy smile and kissable breath this upcoming Valentine's Day. The wet sloppy smooches awaits! Hey, you never know, with a beautiful bright smile, your dog may become a poster pup or feline for a toothpaste commercials.

So, now that you have realized the urgency of proper pet dental care and taken your pet to get that much needed dental vet check-up, its time begin at home. After a while brushing your dogs teeth will become part of Fido’s, Felix & your daily routine. So, how do you brush pets teeth? Well, before you begin you will need a few helpful tools, a soft bristle pet toothbrush and toothpaste. Human toothbrush & toothpaste won’t do and should never be used on your dog or cat. Take it from me, I crossed paths with my parents toothpaste during a counter raid a year ago, my discerning palette would be the first to say that the taste is awful. Now, that you have everything its time to get started.

Pet Toothbrushing 101

Here are some easy steps on how to brush your pets teeth & tricks of trade. These tips will have even the most stubborn pet enjoying every minute. With a few practice sessions you will become a teeth brushing machine and your pet will love getting the royal dental treatment.

STEP 1. Quiet Time- It is important to make sure you and your pet are relaxed. So find a quiet and relaxed place to brush your pet teeth and place him or her in a relaxing position. Don't hold your pet forcefully. Small dogs and cats can be held on your lap as you stroke them lovingly. For you dogs out there my parents apply Spot Organics Chill prior to my cleaning. This helps relaxes me and makes me less squirmy.

STEP 2. Acquaint your Dog & Cat- For the first few sessions don't use a toothbrush. It is important to get your pet familiar with something besides food going in their mouth. At first, dip a finger into beef bouillon for dogs or tuna water for cats. Rub the soaked finger gently over the pet’s mouth and teeth. After your pet becomes comfortable with that, place a dab of toothpaste on your finger and let her taste it. Make the initial sessions short and positive. Then slowly, introduce gauze over the finger and gently scrub the teeth in a circular motion.

The saying is true "slow & steady wins the race", well this is true for pet dental hygiene. It is important you introduce the toothbrush gradually so as not to make your pet a scardy cat. Okay some pun intended! Dental hygiene should be non-threatening, refreshing & pleasant.

**We recommended using flavored pet toothpaste like poultry, beef , chicken or vanilla because pets like the taste.

STEP 3. Say Hello to the Toothbrush- Place a small amount of toothpaste on the brush. In a slow circular motion, brush one or two teeth and the adjoining gum line. The purpose of this step is to get your dog accustomed to the feel of the brush.

STEP 4. Get Brushen!! - Over the next several days, gradually increase the number of teeth brushed. Encourage and speak gently to your pet. It is important to eventually brush the rear teeth where plaque and tartar have a greater tendency to accumulate. Go slowly and gently and (remember puppies/kittens and senior dogs/cats have delicate teeth and gums). In the beginning your dog will fuss ( or in a cats case hiss) but don’t get discouraged and give-up uncooperative behavior comes with the territory. Just keep in mind that their health depends on it and you are doing this because you love them sooo much. Be sure to brush the big teeth way in back.

Important: PRAISE, PRAISE, PRAISE & BE PATIENT! Just keep in mind that this is a new experience for your pet so they will be hesitant & fearful. It is important to be patient and caring through the entire process, so your pet won't start boycotting future brushing sessions. Trust me you don't want to see a picket line of barking mad dogs & hissing cats in your yard. So proceed slowly and gently. Stop each session while it is still fun and lavishly praise your pet. Once the brushing session is complete reward Fido or Felix with a yummy all natural & organic treat. With a treat in one hand and delicious treat in the other your pet will begin to associate toothbrushing with a positive reward. Soon they will start looking forward to tooth brushing and it will become a pleasant activity for both of you.

By following these helpful tips the hope is that whenever your dog or cats hears you brushing they will eagerly be wagging & purring awaiting their turn.

So, to all all my paw pals, young and old have a kissable long healthy life . I normally don't encourage this but go ahead kiss & tell!

Shop for eco-friendly, all natural & organic goodies for your new furry family member. We carry a great selection of Odor Free Bully Sticks / Dog Treats / and Dog Toys !

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Smile It's February National Pet Dental Health Month

Love is in the air this February with a whole lot of kissing & smooching going on. The one thing on everyone's mind is having ooh so kissable breath. Valentines day is just one of the constant reminders of why dental care is so important. This leads us on to the topic of pet dental hygiene.

So, while we are puckering up this Valentines season, whispering sweet nothings & sniffing our bouquets. Let's not forget our loving, deserving & loyal furry family members whose breath & pearly whites (or not so pearly whites) need love to. Show some puppy love by marking your calender. Celebrate February's National Pet Dental Health Month with us and our friends at the American Veterinary Medical Association . Here are some pet dental facts to get you & your pet smiling and brushing away!

Did you know?

1. 80% of humans brush their teeth at least twice a day, but very few pet owners brush their pets teeth.

2. Signs of gum disease includes yellow & brown build up of tarter around the gum line, inflammation & bad breath

3. One of the most common dental problems is broken or chipped teeth, some of which is caused by aggressively chewing on hard objects. Older & senior dogs are more prone to have this problem.

4. More then 80% of dogs & 70% of cats show signs of oral disease by age 3, now that's a big deal in dog & cat years!!

Here are some tips to keep your dogs pearly whites gleaming all year round.

1. Inspect their teeth on a regular basis. If your dog breath is unbearable and their is discoloration or tarter present these could be signs of serious health issues. Seek the advice of a vet ASAP.

2. When your dog goes in for his yearly checkup make sure you schedule a complete dental checkup as well.

3. Brush your dogs teeth at least 2-3 times a week. But for all you newbies once a week is a good start. Maintaining a daily teeth brushing regime is the key to good health and prevention. Although it is best to develop & nurture a dental routine at a younger pup age, but don't worry its never to late to get your older dog accustomed to regular brushing.

4. Chew toys and hard treats are a good start, but it should not be a substitute for brushing your dogs teeth.

Shop for eco-friendly, all natural & organic goodies for your furry family member & travel buddy. We carry a great selection of Odor Free Bully Sticks / Dog Treats / and Dog Toys / Dog Grooming Spa products & more!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Be My Furry Valentine Homemade PB Carob Dog Biscuit Treats Recipe

Our pets view us as the center of their universe and teach us the true meaning of unconditional love. Since Valentine's is a celebration of love and devotion, who better to honor then man's best friend. Like the saying goes "The way through a mans heart is through his stomach". Well, the same phrase holds true for that special canine love of your life. Give your deserving pup a good dog treat and he will love you forever.

With love in the air this month what better way to say "I love you" to your furry valentine then with some homemade treats for your sweets. Unfortunately, flowers & chocolates are off limits to dogs. Instead indulge your pups sweet tooth with an edible Valentine's Day card good enough for you to eat. This homemade Valentine's dog treat recipe is a delicious way to pledge your love. So get baking away love birds!

Homemade Sweetheart PB Carob Treats


1 cup peanut butter
2 eggs, slightly beaten
1 cup milk
2 cups whole wheat flour
2 tbsp. sugar
1 tbsp. baking powder
1 cup carob chips


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

2. Beat eggs with peanut butter, then add milk and combine well.

3. In separate bowl, combine flour, sugar, and baking powder.

4. Combine the dry mixture with the peanut butter mixture. Mix well.

5. Stir in carob chips ( safe, non-toxic alternative to chocolate)

6. Drop by rounded teaspoons onto lightly greased cookie sheet, leaving about 1" in between cookies.

7. Bake with love for 20 to 25 minutes, or until biscuits look just barely "dry" in the middle and are baked through. Do not overbake! The biscuits will naturally harden as they cool.

8. Before you & your dog take a nibble let treats cool down before removing from cookie sheet.

9. Once cooled. Ready, Set, devour!

Valentine's Day licks from the pack!

Something sweet for all you humans!

Carob Flour

Shop for eco-friendly, all natural & organic goodies for your furry family member & travel buddy. We carry a great selection of Odor Free Bully Sticks / Dog Treats / and Dog Toys / Dog Grooming Spa products & more!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Love Your Pet? Valentine's Day Pet Safety Tips

Love is in the air with cupids arrow on the prowl this Valentine's Day. Perhaps you will be one of the lucky ones to be bitten by the love bug. If you are a pet owner it is important to show your furry Valentine some puppy love by keeping them safe. So, whether you are the Valentine sender or receiver here are some Valentine's Day pet safety tips to heed.

Forbidden Sweet Nothings

Valentines Day is not official without pledging your undying love to your sweet heart with a box of chocolate to satisfy her sweet tooth. It is important to remember that chocolate in all forms, especially dark & baking chocolate, can be poisonous & fatal to pets. For all you dark chocolate lovers, this type of chocolate contains methylxanthines, a caffeine like stimulant. If ingested can cause abnormal heartbeats, kidney failure, increased thirst, panting, vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, seizures and death. Also keep pets away from xylitol an artificial sweetener found in gum & candies. If ingested this sweetener can result in a sudden drop in blood sugar (hypoglycemia), depression, loss of coordination and seizures. So, make sure to keep all sweets & chocolates out of paws reach.

Keep Cocktails Away from Furry tailed friends

If you are going to be toasting & sipping a glass of champagne, cocktail or wine make sure to immediately wipe up any spills. Also, never leave your glass or alcoholic beverage unattended on your table & counter tops. Even the smallest sip of alcohol lapped up by your pet can have harmful affects. Alcohol pet consumption can cause tremors, central nervous system issues, vomiting, loss of coordination, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, metabolic disturbances and coma. Respiratory failure can even result if large amounts of alcohol is consumed.
Floral Do's & Don'ts

Did you know that lilies are fatal to cats & dogs? Although a beautiful sight to behold make sure lilies are not included in floral arrangements given to pet owners.
Other potentially poisonous flowers include tulips, amaryllis, daisies, chrysanthemums and baby’s breath. If the lucky bouquet recipient has a pet, do your research prior to going to the florist to see what flowers & plants are life threatening to pets. Flowers such as lilies can cause vomiting, upset stomach & diarrhea if ingested by pets. Also, kindly ask your florist to de-thorn roses & thorny flowers so your pet does not bite, step on or chew on the thorns.

Dinner by Candlelight

Valentines day is all about setting the mood & room a glow with candles. Make sure to put out the unattended fire once you are done with your romantic rendezvous. Pets can easily knock over a lit candle and cause a fire. Curious kittens especially run the risk of getting burned or singed by candle flames.

Valentine's Day Decorations & Gift Wraps

After all the Valentines festivities make sure to put away & clean up ribbons, bows, cellophane, wrapping paper, balloons. Pets often mistake gift wrappings & decorations as chew toys which can pose as a choking hazard or cause intestinal blockage if ingested.

My Funnies Valentines

Shop for eco-friendly, all natural & organic goodies for your furry family member & travel buddy. We carry a great selection of Odor Free Bully Sticks / Dog Treats / and Dog Toys / Dog Grooming Spa products & more!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Is Your Dog a Picky Eater? How to Get Your Fussy Pup to Eat His Meal

Dogs are often stereotyped as being naturally hearty eaters who can devour a bowl of dog food in seconds. But from personal experience we have come to a jaw dropping conclusion that this is not always the case. There are some dogs who are finicky eaters and refuse to eat what is in front of their snout. With that said, coaxing a fussy pup into licking his dog bowl clean can be a challenge. So here are some dog tips to make meal time with a picky eater easier.

1. Picky or ill?
It is important to rule out any potential underlying medical issues in order to determine if your dog is just a finicky picky eater or ill. If your dog is experiencing symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting and lethargy. You may also want to give your dog a dental exam to make sure he or she is not having pain or problem eating. If this is the case seek your vet, these symptoms could be warning signs of something more serious.

2. Sniff, Sniff! Be a sleuth and examine closely the food being placed in Fido's dish, stale & spoiled food can put a damper on a meal. Keep an eye on dog food expiration dates and your nose aware of unusual odors. Discard dog food that is no longer edible.

3. Does it taste good? The key to good dog food is nutrition, quality and of course taste. Just say to yourself "Would I eat this if I were a dog."

4. Mix it up a bit! Dogs can become bored very easily life and food. Perhaps mixing some canned or wet food in with the dry will make your pup excited about food again. Let's face it, it does not take a lot to get dog's tail wagging and stomachs smiling. Many vets feel that combining both dry and canned is the ideal diet.

5. Consistency is the key to good eating habits. It is also important to remain consistent with your dogs feeding schedule & diet. It is best to feed your dog one type/brand of dog food. Constantly changing foods or feeding human food or scraps will only cause your dog to become more finicky, beg and hold out for your tasty dinner fare. But if you are going to transition your dog over to a new brand of dog food or diet do it gradually, mixing the old with the new.

6. Give your dog peace & quiet to eat. Set your dog's food bowl down and walk away making sure their is no distractions & noise. But never force feed your dog, he or she will eat when hungry. Wait 15 minutes. If your dog does not eat his food, remove the bowl and try again at the next feeding time.

7. Scheduled feeding time. Feed at around the same time each day. Dogs like routine, and when their routine is upset can put a damper on their day.

8. Avoid Spoiled Appetite. Make sure you and family members are not enabling the problem. Overindulging your dog in treats and table scrap can spoil his or her dinner appetite, make them finicky and reinforce bad eating habits. Set house rules amongst the family about your dogs feeding habits, diet and the number of dog treats to be fed per day. The first thing on the agenda should be "NO" table scraps or human foods.

Make sure your trash cans are secure & food is stored away off counters out of paws reach. Dogs are often tempted to raid the garbage cans for leftovers which can be dangerous. Dogs that dumpster dive can accidentally ingest something deadly or become very ill.

Shop for eco-friendly, all natural & organic goodies for your furry family member & travel buddy. We carry a great selection of Odor Free Bully Sticks / Dog Treats / and Dog Toys / Dog Grooming Spa products & more!