Camping & hiking is a favorite weekend past time of many outdoor enthusiast, four legged included. Nothing beats hiking, camping & answering the call of the wild with your dog by your side. Dogs love exploring the great outdoors and appreciate a spectacular panoramic view. Here are few more tips to finish up our 3 part series on hiking and camping with your pet.
Click here to read part 1 tips !!
Click here to read part 2 tips!!!
13. Keep control & be the leader of the pack:
Keeping your dog on leash is a good idea at all times, even when it's not legally required. If you must let your dog off leash, be sure you have good voice command recall. That means you should be able to recall your dog even though a deer is running away from it. Likewise, you don't want your dog scaring horses or other hikers. You must be sure that you can control your dog even when it's leashed; some people own dogs that are stronger than they are. It truly comes down to choosing the right leash so you & your dog are both comfortable.
Purchasing a six-foot leash will give your dog enough room to tackle the trail without getting tangled up in underbrush or other hikers. If you are having a hard time training your dog to come on command & your dog has mastered the art of not listening, obedience school would be a good option.
14. Back Packing:
Dogs can carry their own weight on a hike, or at least part of it. A healthy dog ought to be able to carry up to 1/3 of his weight in a special dog pack. Keep in mind the age of the dog. Start with an empty pack full off shredded newspaper, though, to acclimate the dog to the pack before you gradually start adding weight on successive hikes. And don't put a pack on a dog on a hot, sunny day if there's a chance it will cause him to overheat faster.
15. Paws:
If you're going to be hiking in an area with rough terrain, consider getting some dog booties to protect tender paws. There are also some wonderful all natural eco-friendly paw rubs out their can give your dog achy paws relief after a long hike.
16. Post hike:
After any hike, do a careful check for ticks and for any burrs or foxtails in your dog's coat. Foxtails can mean an expensive trip to the vet if you let them get in your dog's nose or ears. So better safe the sorry, avoid hiking through areas with lots of them.
17. First aid:
Part of your responsibility to your hiking companion is to be prepared for any scratches, cuts, scraps, bruises, & wounds along the way because accidents happen. Some antibiotic cream & healing cream is a good thing to have along for both you and your dog. Also, some wrap bandage tape or gauze (which sticks to itself but not to hair or skin) is a good thing to have along.
18. Join a Caravan:
Check to see whether there's a dog-friendly hiking group in your area. Some camp grounds have canine hiking groups; others allow pets along on some hikes but not others. Never show up for a hike with your dog unless you're certain he'll be welcome (and legal), so always ask.
So happy trailblazing all you paw pals and enjoy the mountainous views!!
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1 comment:
Great tips !! Thank you..!
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