1. Avoid exercising your dog during the midday summer heat.
It is important for your dog/jogging partner to get his daily exercise. But keep in mind with summer comes those heat waves and dogs don’t have the option of taking off a layer like you do to cool down. So exercise and take your dog on early morning or evening walks around the neighborhood when temperatures are low. Dogs can suffer from heatstroke so make sure your dog is not overworked on those hot days. Start with slower, shorter walks and gradually increase according to your pet's ability and health. Dogs with short, pushed in faces, dark coats & older dogs have a higher risk of suffering from heat stroke. Keeping your dog hydrated and their water bowl filled is VERY VERY important!
2. Beware of Hot Pavement
Remember that dogs paws can also take a beaten or scotching during the summer, so protect those paw pads from the blistering sun & asphalt. Opt to have your dog run on the grass or roadside. Make sure that after those long walks to give your pets paws a pampering with soothing paw balms.
3. No one wants a Burnt Hot Dog
Just like humans; pets are not immune to being sunburned. Fair furred & short haired dogs are at higher risk of getting burnt by the sun. So help your pet avoid those harmful rays during the brightest part of the day between 10am-4pm or use a fragrance free, non-staining, UVA & UVB sunscreen. Go with an all-natural sunscreen to protect your running buddy from UV rays so they don’t become a burnt hot dog. Apply the sunscreen to the nose, tips of ears, around lips and unprotected areas. Don't get me wrong dogs are a huge lover of beef franks and can definitely hold their own in Nathans Hot Dog Eating Contest against Kobayashi and champion Chestnut. But when it comes to being roasted by the suns harmful rays that's another story.
4. Take Control of Flea Season
You said it, with a rise in temperature so comes a rise in the flea population. Nothing spoils relaxing with your loved ones on a warm summer night then unwanted guest, fleas & mosquito’s. That invisible lighted neon sign on your dogs forehead that says "Open for Business" and "Eat up" making him or her the latest bitten, itchy & scratchy casualty. Every summer fleas return, and may hitch a ride indoors on your unsuspecting dog. Fleas seem like a never-ending battle and each year its time to wage war. But the key to out smarting those tail biting blood suckers so your pet does not become an all you can eat buffet or smorgasbord is prevention. Instead of letting your dog be the battleground for waging chemical warfare, fight nature with nature. Choose an all-natural paraben free flea preventive treatment that is good for your pet & the planet. It's a good habit to check your dog
5. Tag You’re It
Firmly attach an accurate, up-to-date ID tag to your pet’s collar. Just like you are excited to be a social butterfly this summer, so is your pet. Don't forget to keep a good watch on your pet. This is important to heed if you have a four-legged escape artist who tends to venture from the pack & your fenced in yard. Because you don't won't to spend your entire summer sniffing high and low for a pet that is lost and not found. Consider getting your pet micro chipped as well, this is like an embedded ID card. Microchips provide extra assurance in case the tag falls off. The microchip can easily be scanned by a vet or animal shelter so the owner is found quickly.
6. Hydrate!
Always bring water and portable water bowl for your dog on long walks & outdoor excursions. Plan long walks for early morning or late evening. Make sure your dog always has plenty of fresh water at home, refilling throughout the day.
And as always, have fun!
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1 comment:
I agree to your post. Since summer time is very hot, thus, we should protect our dogs from the direct exposure to sunlight and avoid hot areas of the building.
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