Wednesday, February 25, 2009

#woofwednesday - Twitter goes to the dogs, and pet lovers

#woofwednesday .... what's #woofwednesday you may ask.

We at @PawLuxury thought up #woofwednesday because pets and pet owners deserve to have a little fun and meet new great twitter people too.

#woofwednesday is very similar to #Followfriday with one main difference.

#woofwednesday is all about recommending the great pets on twitter and the ones who love pets, Blog/Video about pets to your other twitter friends.

There are some wonderful people on twitter, and we've made some lasting friendships on twitter. #woofwednesday is all about sharing those paw-pals and meeting new paw-pals.

To participate simply send a tweet out with the hashtag #woofwednesday followed by the list of great paw-pals and paw-people you recommend.

Here is a sample tweet:

PawLuxury: #woofwednesday we recommend @lola_eco_dog @twoofnews @askspikeonline @fourleggedmedia @bestbullysticks @polkadogbakery @dogfiles

To Track the conversation and follow back all the great Paw-pals.
You can see all the recommendations at

*Remember #woofwednesday is about all paw-pals, not just dogs. Equal paw-purtunity! So recommend ALL Paw-pals & Paw-ppl

** Also don't forget to add the hashtag #woofwednesday to any pet conversation you have on twitter on Wednesdays.

Have fun, meet great new people on twitter and of course follow us. for latest pet news

Update: Congrats Paw-pals! We made it to the top 10 trending topics on twitter!


Anonymous said...

This is a really great idea. I have met so many wonderful people and made a lot of connections so far. Thanks for starting the idea!

SakeOfAnimals said...
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SakeOfAnimals said...

HELP ! I would like to participate, but am a newbie to twitter and don't know how :-( but the animals in my videos deserve as much exposure as I can get them I don't know how people share their followers