Monday, February 2, 2009

Paw Luxury Kissable Smile Photo Contest: Lets Celebrate Pet Dental Month Together

Did you know that pet dental hygiene is the most neglected when it comes to maintaining proper pet health? With so much emphasis placed on a good diet and daily exercise we tend to forget our mouths need love too. But like humans the the key to good feline & dog health is a beautiful smile. Because even us pets love to show off our pearly whites.

Improper dental care can lead to many pet health problems such as tarter build, leading to gum disease. This bacteria can venture into your pet blood stream which can wreak havoc on their kidney's. Gum disease can even cause your pets teeth to rot, fall out and cause excruciating pain.

It is amazing how the simple task of brushing your pet teeth if left undone can lead to a variety of problems and high vet bills. So, if your dog or cat is having trouble eating, refusing to eat (which is not normal in the dog world), overly salivating, has discolored teeth, bloody gums, and a bad case of halitosis, that will make even a human play dead there is cause for concern. These are signs of an unhealthy mouth and should not be ignored but dealt with ASAP!!

The step to proper pet dental care is to make sure your pet gets its yearly dental checkup from the vet. In terms of at home care, daily teeth brushing is an effective way to maintain that ooh so kissable & adorable "mug shot", in my case "mutt shot". Do keep in mind that the proper tools are needed prior to getting started. You will need a pet toothbrush & toothpaste, never use human toothpaste on your pet. For all you pups & felines who hate getting your teeth clean, open wide the toothpaste comes in all natural yummy flavors . A few minutes once a day will change your pets life and add dog years and help your cat maintain his or her nine lives.

Crunchy kibble , dog food, toys and hard chews are great for helping to keep tarter and plaque at bay. But they should not be substituted over a good teeth brushing. So go right ahead give your dog & fancy feline a big SMOOCHE !

Hey, to get you started on the road to health we will be giving a dog dental health kit of some of our best products. Does your dog have a Kissable Smile? Well, enter the best photo of your dog smiling contest hostessed by me, Paw Luxury spokes-dog!!

Best photo wins a goody box full of all-natural Pet Dental products from .

Prize includes gift box of Cain & Able kissable tooth brush kit, Zukes Dental Bones, Yummy crunchy treats, + more! Over a $40 Value!

Contest ends Feb 28th, Voting starts the week following. Winner picked March 4th

Rules: Only 1 photo per household per dog, 1 vote per person.

IE: if you have 3 dogs, you may enter 3 smiling photo's, however you may only place 1 vote. When voting starts.

But don't forget to bark the word that your pups kissable smile has been entered. You can promote and bark the word to your friends. Spread the word on twitter, facebook, etc that your dog has entered so they can vote for you. May the most kissable smile win!!

So have your dog say cheese, snap a photo and submit the best photo of your dog smiling.


1. Follow PawLuxury on

2. Retweet to your friends - Copy and paste this into Twitter: Dog Photo Contest @PawLuxury is giving away $40 worth of Pet Dental goodies to enter.

3. Head on over to our Paw Luxury facebook fan page. Post your best photo of your dog smiling

**You must join as a fan to be able to enter. Click add photo on the right hand side of the page under photo's.**

After the photo entry deadline ends, we will place all the photo's in the pet dental month album and all of our viewers, readers & fans will be able to comment & place their vote. Photo with the most votes/comments wins. Only 1 vote/comment per person.

Thanks and have fun & get submitting!


  1. I was already a twitter friend:), I am now a fan on facebook, I tweeted about the contest, and I'm getting ready to submit the pic of my pooch! Thanks for having this contest!!

  2. Love it, count us in!

  3. Super cute photos already! I added my smilig Davey

  4. Just one thing to add to your tips on dental care: sometimes a dog's bad breath is a result of poor diet. I adopted my Corky from a shelter and at the time, he had the stinkiest breath I ever smelled.

    Of course, he had been eating whatever they fed him there, and once I got him home, I changed his diet to include fruit and vegetables in addition to his kibble and canned food. He also gets chlorella and ground flaxseed added to his food (lucky dog!)

    It took a few months of a changed diet plus regular brushing before he could breathe in my face and I wouldn't flinch. Now he's kissable!
